Our amazing team of providers just keeps growing and growing! Abegglen Counseling has hired Lee Clark, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and we are so excited to have her and her expertise in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, on our team. Introducing:
Lee Clark
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Here is a little about Lee, from Lee herself:
"I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist trained in Systems Therapy. Systems therapy works by looking at each part, or system, in one’s life. Putting together the parts helps to create a whole picture of who each person is through their experiences, perspectives, connections, skills, needs, and goals.
My focus is to help adults, children, adolescents, and families heal, grow, and become aware of their inner strengths. I believe in providing supportive, collaborative treatment that is informed by my belief in healing, resiliency, and the power that each of us holds inside ourselves to grow and change.
I specialize in treating adolescents, young adults, parents and families. I'm experienced in providing mental health services to adolescents in a variety of settings, including day treatment, outpatient, group, individual, and family therapies. I also completed the training program to provide Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) for ages 8-18.
I enjoy incorporating a variety of creativity-based techniques in treatment, including mindfulness techniques for children, adolescents, adults, and families, and expressive arts and experiential therapy techniques for all ages including sculpting, drawing, collage, music, writing, games, and more."
If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with Catherine, you can reach her
via email @ ckirner@abegglencounseling.com
call our intake line: 608-709-6972
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[This article does not create a client-counselor relationship. This article is general counseling information and is not to be considered legal or medical advice. Please consult with your mental health professional before you rely on this information.]