Catherine Kirner is one of our Abegglen Counseling Interns this year. Catherine returned back to school last year to work towards her counseling degree.
We are so excited to have Catherine join our team! Introducing:
Catherine Kirner
Counseling Intern
Here is a bit more about Catherine, from Catherine herself!
"I am earning my master’s degree in counseling from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and am currently working as a counseling intern until I graduate in May of 2019.
I believe everyone at any age can benefit from talking through their daily struggles with a caring and supportive individual. I find that being open and accepting allows mutual trust and respect to develop. I approach each individual I encounter with curiosity and wonder as I listen to their unique narrative.
My practicum counseling experience involved providing services to adolescents and college students who experienced exposure to domestic abuse, challenges with alcohol and drug addiction, relationship concerns, low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. With over 7 years’ experience working with youth, I am passionate about counseling and advocating for at-risk youth and adolescents who identify as LGBTQ+.
My primary goals are to create a therapeutic relationship, provide applicable resources, work from a multicultural lens, empower clients, and advocate for marginalized youth populations."
If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with Catherine, you can reach her
via email @ ckirner@abegglencounseling.com
call our intake line: 608-709-6972
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TW: @abegglenccllc
[This article does not create a client-counselor relationship. This article is general counseling information and is not to be considered legal or medical advice. Please consult with your mental health professional before you rely on this information.]