In Gaelic the word dàil (DAW-ill) means a coming together, a consultative gathering - A MEETING OF THE MINDS! And that is what therapy is all about, coming together with a supportive force that can help to guide you, push you, support you, and validate you through difficult times and often necessary change.
The counselors at Abegglen Counseling understand that seeking counseling can be a difficult decision, especially if you have never seen a therapist before. Most people have a lot of questions before they get started: What will my therapist be like? What will he/she ask me about? How much will it cost? Is there really a couch? (the answer is yes, there is a couch but you don't have to lie down....unless you want to)
We are so excited to start our weekly blog exploring countless therapy and counseling related topics (counseling, mental health, dialectical behavioral therapy, and much more!)! And just to make sure you have something to take with you daily, each blog post will also include either a mantra you can use for your week, an inspirational quote, or a practice/skill you can start incorporating into your life.
Before we get to all that, however, we want to introduce you to Abegglen Counseling and our therapists. Over the next few weeks make sure to watch for our next blog post which will introduce you to Jessica Abegglen, owner of Abegglen Counseling, and Anna Jolliff, counseling intern at Abegglen Counseling.
We hope that you find these informative, clarifying, and maybe just a little entertaining.
"The darkness in the world is waiting for the light within you" - unknown
MANTRA: "I AM enough, I DO enough, I HAVE enough"